๐จโ๐ฌ My Research
Even though I spend my days making art, I have always bristled at the idea of being called an 'artist.' That term had always felt so limiting to me. I was always somebody who loved learning and experimenting with new ways to do things, and as my brain grew through the years, I have collected a lot of weird, incongruent skills. As a result, I have ended up making some novel approaches to graphics that I think are pretty cool.
My work is usually focused on finding programmatic ways to make life easier for graphic designers.
These are write-ups on projects I've completed, and include things like links to downloads, results, methodologies, datasets, and more. Everything published here is open to the public to build off of (unless otherwise noted). I just ask for attribution for the sake of being able to see my work out in the wild.
Posted on: 2024-10-23 |
LogoScale Using AI-powered super resolution to rescue crappy logos by utilizing a specialized data set exploiting the floating point nature of vector graphics. |